Programme > By author > Augusto Daniel

Personal Identification and Party Identification in majority elections in Portugal and Brazil
Márcia Silva  1@  , Daniel Augusto  2@  
1 : Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste (Unicentro)
Guarapuava - Paraná - Brasil -  Brésil
2 : Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM)
Maringá - Paraná - Brasil -  Brésil

This research aims to analyze personal identification and party identification in the voting decision of Portuguese and Brazilian voters. It was tried to identify the importance of the political parties, in these countries, for the decision of the vote, from different scales of electoral lawsuits. In methodological terms, this work was developed through three axes: readings for the construction of the theoretical reference, interviews with Brazilian politicians and application of questionnaires to Brazilian voters. They were chosen to collect samples from Curitiba, Laranjeiras do Sul and Maringá (Brazil). The research was conducted to understand the geographical behavior of the vote, through linkages (approximations and distances) between the realities of the Portuguese territory and the Brazilian territory. The results presented reveal the decision of the vote based mainly on party identification for the former and personal identification for the latter. In addition, it was concluded that the vote is hybrid, especially among the Brazilian electorate. The changes that occurred between the decision of the Brazilian voter's vote, allows us to identify that this voter has a character of change in his electoral decisions, making him sensitive to changes in the territorial context, unlike the Portuguese voter who values stability. In view of this, it is considered that elements intrinsic to the territory (such as the electoral system, political parties, media, neighborhood effect, etc.) contribute to the formation of political party scenarios from different realities, whether European or Latin American, conditioning the geographic behavior of the vote.

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