Programme > By author > Iordache Costela

Post-communist Romanian emigration patterns: dynamics and perspectives
Cristina Sosea  1@  , Costela Iordache, Liliana Popescu@
1 : University of Craiova  (UCV)  -  Website
Al. I. Cuza Street, no. 13, Craiova -  Roumanie

During the decades following 1989, characterized by multiple economic and social convulsions in Romania, the migratory process registered different typology and structure of flows, but also, changes of direction and intensity. The present paper aims to analyse and assess the effects of external migration, especially in the years following Romania's adherence to the European Union and in the context of profound transformations of demographic structures in Romania. The study shows that Romania continues to remain a source country on our continent, with a negative migratory balance rate, which together with a natural population deficit that Romania confronts with, proves the necessity of applying specific policies for migration. Also, the present study highlights migration patterns in correlation with demographic changes in a post-communist country, taking into consideration the regional and local effects and risks of demographical changes in Romania. 

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