Programme > By Session
Inventing cross-border metropolitan governance. A comparison between Lille and Basel (L'invention de la gouvernance métropolitaine transfrontalière. Une comparaison entre Lille et Bâle) Pauline Pupier
Cross-border actors and projects in Iberian borders: comparative analysis from IV Interreg Javier Martín-Uceda, Jaume Feliu, Joan Vicente, Margarita Castañer
Cross-border governance, de-bordering and re-bordering in the EU. The case of Central European border twin towns. Jaroslaw Janczak
“A global view on Cross-Border Cooperation in the European Union: introducing the RECOT comparative database on existing Euroregions across the EU territory” Antoni Durà, Francesco Camonita, Matteo Berzi, Andrea Noferini