Incorporating foundation theories of sustainability, citizenship and human rights, and applied professional geography, this paper surveys concepts of memory heritage or inheritance, space and place, representation, power, contested interpretations and values, and symbolic capital, at individual, community, national and larger scales. These ideas are explored within European and Mediterranean contexts and scales beyond, as with symbolic sites and memorials associated with nationalism, wars, genocides, and civil and ethnic conflicts. Symbolic spaces for victors of the state, and attempts now to include ‘victims' and the once excluded voices such as women, minorities, and the ‘others' are encompassed. Case study work includes conflict and diaspora; totalitarianisms, and imperialism and post-colonial cultures. Research in geographies and histories of memory is applied in many areas including input into organizing commoration events, conflict resolution, and parity of esteem constructs, peace processes and heritage and tourist related-industries as is recognized by UN, EU, Council of Europe and many state institutions.