Methods of teaching Geography in the Republic of Croatia
Ana Pejdo  1@  , Denis Horvat@
1 : Universty of Zadar Department of Geography  (unizd)
dr. F. Tuđmana 24 i 23 000 Zadar Republic of Croatia -  Croatie

The aim of the paper is to define and explain teaching methods and forms used in Geography teaching in primary and secondary education in the Republic of Croatia. For the purpose of this paper survey among Geography teachers in elementary and secondary schools in the Republic of Croatia was conducted. Around 250 Geography teachers participated in the on-line survey in the period from June to September 2016. Research results indicate that the most common form of teaching in Geography is frontal teaching, while team work, game theory and project teaching are used rarely. Contemporary teaching methods and forms such as research method, problem-based instruction, computer assisted learning method, project and group instruction, are still used by only a small number of teachers. Even though analyses indicated the predominance of frontal teaching and higher use of some teaching methods in relation to others, results indicate shift towards new teaching methods and willingness to change in order to improve Geography teaching in elementary and secondary schooling system.

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