In the city of Genoa there is a group of migrant women who have created the professional figure of the tourist guide. The peculiarity lies in the gaze they have of the city and that they provide to the tourist. An attention lies in their migrant being living in the city and allowing tourists to know it. This work is based on interviews with migrant that are tourist guide, with the aim of highlighting the migratory experience and relationship of the migrant with the new territory through the impressions that the new inhabitants express to the living environments, the relations established with indigenous citizens or with other migrants, difficulties in learning new habits and rules, or inserting strategies adopted, to the insertion path.
Through this tool, we will try to bring out the "life stories" and how these emerge even in the tourist accompaniment. The method found to accommodate this listening is to observe the city that emerges from the look of migrants: a listening / observation not of a self-story but of a relationship between himself and the city, which becomes manifest through representation. Therefore, an effective investigation method was sought to listen to the subjects that live in the new city and at the same time are often the creators of its transformation. It is a hypothesis that recalls the critical reflections of Franco Farinelli on the functioning of the cartographic representation in the field of geographical knowledge, where the representation itself is attributed to the role of producing a particular vision of reality, in opposition to an objectively visionary believe that the map is the reflection of reality.
Some bibliographical references: Mario Casari, Turismo e geografia, elementi per un approccio sistemico sostenibile, Hoepli Milano 2008; Franco Farinelli, I segni del mondo. Immagine cartografica e discorso cartografico in età moderna, La Nuova Italia, Scandicci, 1992; Jean-Pierre Lozato-Giotart, Geografia del turismo, Hoepli, Milano 2008; Nausicaa Pezzoni, , La città sradicata, Geografie dell'abitare contemporaneo. I migranti mappano Milano, O barra O edizioni, Milano 2013; Adalberto Vallega, Fondamenti di Geosemiotica, Società Geografica Italiana, Roma 2008;