Geography and literature, a possible and profitable match to investigate and to know the landscape, both in the natural components and in those antropiches. Fabio Lando writes to such intention: " Geography investigates, through the analysis of the literary productions, the deep connections that the landscape ties to the man and the feelings of the writer, going well over the concept of landscape as symbol of a territorial experience[1]". Therefore geography can tighten a "pact of alliance" with the literature, Dino Gavinelli[2] also explains, thanks to the wealth and the truthfulness of the literary descriptions, you employ what tools of information and source of knowledge for the geography, for the construction of a sense of the place, to analyze the geo-poetic relationship of a literary product with its territory. The territory therefore, in its relationship with the men, and such as a place of cross destinies, here is the object of study of the geo-literary approach. Literature can be therefore an useful tool to the geographer to know a territory and to make it know. Objective of the present job is to use some works of the South African writer Uys Krige, in the year of the anniversary of the thirty years from the his death, to be able to know some places of Spain, country in which the writer lived and that he described in some of his works . In fact the South African writer traveled in Europe and knew countries such as Spain, France, Italy, Great Britain and a lot of his works bring traces of his trips.
Methodological texts of reference: Gavinelli D.(2014), Geografia e letteratura, la dimensione oggettiva e soggettiva della narrazione. Relazione tenuta ad Aosta il 27 marzo 2014; Lando F., 1993, (a cura di) Fatto e finzione. Geografia e letteratura, Etas , Milano; Papotti D., Tomasi F. 2014, La geografia del racconto. Sguardi interdisciplinari sul paesaggio urbano nella narrativa italiana contemporanea, Bruxelles, P.I.E.- Peter Lang.
Texts of literary references: select works of Uys Krige; J.C. Kannemeyer , (2002), Die goue seun. Die lewe en werk van Uys Krige, Tafelberg, Kaapstad.