Uncertain borderscapes: Terrorism, Daesh and the security of UE cities.
Manuel Jose Gazapo  1, *@  
* : Corresponding author

Jihadist terrorism is provoking in Europe a review of democratic protocols as a reaction to this unstoppable series of attacks.

As a sign of this situation, we can remember how it was declared a state of emergency in France, after the Paris bombings to Charlie Hebdo in January 2015. It meant a cutting freedom within a democratic regime. It was also evidenced -after the bombings in Nice in July 2016- that maintaining an indefinite state of emergency did not guarantee the impossibility of attacks.

The paper seeks to penetrate inside the complex field of Daesh's terrorism movement that is affecting the way of life in our cities, since it attacks the so-called critical infrastructures, classically understood as airports, stations, or logistical centers, and is also attacking which could be called sensitive infrastructures, those places that build the life of our cities, the symbolic geography of the western city.

While the Molenbeek neighborhood in Brussels, the Paris Banlieue of Trappes, or the El Principe's neighborhood in Ceuta, can be understood as new fields of radicalization and recruitment of terrorists, it becomes necessary to think more about whether or not security and defense policies demanded by the EU and its member countries should focus into close the borders or encourage the education and social inclusion to undo ghettos. We are facing a field of action where it is not so much to protect external borders as to undo ghettos, through policies that encourage the education and social inclusion.

From the International Security Observatory and the Cultural Landscape Research Group we are beware about it, because while jihadist terrorism spreads through the internet and solitary wolves are radicalized in cyberspace, the urban space will always continue to be present as a field of encounter and action. How to deal with the politics of control of the urban space will determine the possibility of reinventing the coexistence in the city.

In the framework of the EUGEO 2017 Congress in Brussels, and within the "Politics and Policies" session, the aim is to deal in around the security landscapes and the uncertain borderscapes of Daesh´terrorism in Europe.

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