Neo-Endogenous rural development: some significant experiences from inner areas of Southern Italy and Spain
Eugenio Cejudo Garcia  1@  , Francisco Navarro Valverde  1, *@  , Stefano De Rubertis  2@  , Marilena Labianca  2, *@  , Angelo Belliggiano  3@  , Francesco Giaccari  2, *@  , Angelo Salento  2@  
1 : University of Granada  -  Website
2 : University of Salento  -  Website
Lecce -  Italie
3 : University of Molise  (UNIMOL)  -  Website
Campobasso -  Italie
* : Corresponding author

In recent years, an increasing interest in governance dynamics, institutional changing and participation practices has been recognized, especially in rural and inner areas. Studies at European level (Copus and de Lima, 2015; Espon KIT, 2012; Espon Edora, 2011) underline the dramatic increasing in territorial diversity, the complexity of recent dynamics and changes, the different impacts produced by rural development policies and potentialities depending, in many cases, by the local contexts. Considering rural development and in particular collaborative actions that promote resources and knowledge enhancement, new forms of cooperation, new governance structures at individual, community and regional levels, social innovations and participation are considered at the center of neo-endogenous development as an important prerequisite for its success (Papageorgiou, 2011; Neumeier, 2012; 2017).

The present study, based on previous and ongoing research, aims to analyze the context and the local dynamics, to offer reflections and normative indications, by comparing distinct cases from inner regions of Spain and Southern Italy, and respectively, Altiplano of Granada and Guadix in Andalusia, Castel del Giudice in Molise and Melpignano in Puglia, by considering the paradigm of neo-endogenous rural development, the role played by social innovation in several selected projects and their success factors.

These areas with development problems, also in the new programming cycle, are characterized by the same choice of resorting to the economic diversification of tourism (cultural, experiential and sustainable tourism) of the local economies, entrusting the social and economic development.

The selected cases denote many characteristics that can be traced back to the paradigm of "neo-endogenous" rural development (Ray, 2001), rather than simply "endogenous" (Picchi, 1994; Ploeg van der et al., 2000) that instead they are often associated, suggesting that the success of the initiatives may depend on specific contextual conditions. By using data and documents made available by the cases examined, considering the theses of neo-endogenous rural development, whose cases are more or less aware of applications, this study aims also to highlight the limits of "endogenous" rhetoric that are largely present in the new programming cycle.



This work has been developed thanks to the research project "Development programmes and rural change in the European Union: governance and lessons to share 2007-13" funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness within its Excellence Programme, CSO2014-56223-P.



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