Landslide inventory for Iasi County, Romania
Mihai Ciprian Margarint  1, *@  , Mihai Niculita * @
1 : Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
Blvd. Carol I, Nr. 11, Romania -  Roumanie
* : Corresponding author

Landslide inventory and their accuracy play an important role in all steps regarding landslide hazard, risk assessment, and the identification of measures that can be implemented to reduce their impact. For the territory of Iasi County (more than 5500 sq km) we have carried out an updated landslide inventory, based on recent LIDAR imagery. The landslides were mapped as polygons, and some statistical outputs were realised. This version of the inventory will contribute to a better assessment of landslide susceptibility using statistical and expert knowledge methods.

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