One of the instances of the lagging regions in the European Union is constituted by the Polish province of Podkarpackie. That region is an interesting example of a region with relatively good development bases and quite fast economic growth, which, at the same time, remains in the group of the least developed NUTS2 units in the entire European Union. The reasons for such a situation can be sought in the specific socio-economic features of the area. The internal heterogeneity of the province of Podkarpackie is, as well, not without significance.
The purpose of the presentation is to attempt a comprehensive explanation of the reasons for the economic lagging of the region, with particular consideration of the assessment of activity of the regional and local stakeholders. Taking into account the conditioning, mentioned before, a complementary objective is also constituted by the characterization of the sectoral and spatial structure of the broadly understood economy of Podkarpackie. This will allow for the indication of not only the territories and the branches, which are responsible for the general low level of development, but also of those that are decisive for the high dynamics, observed in the region.
Presentation also will be followed by a short presentation of the international project ‘Integrative Mechanisms for Addressing Spatial Justice and Territorial Inequalities in Europe – IMAJINE' (726950), funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Commission.