Circularity in long-term international migration – German-Hungarian comparison
Sándor Illés  1, *@  , Áron Kincses  2@  , Tim Leibert  3@  
1 : Active Society Foundation  (ASF)
H-1094 Budapest, Liliom u. 8. -  Hongrie
2 : Hungarian Central Statistical Office  (HCSO)  -  Website
H-1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly u. 2-4. -  Hongrie
3 : Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography  (IfL)  -  Website
G-04328 Leipzig, Schongauerstras. 9. -  Allemagne
* : Corresponding author

The contribution presents empirical evidences on long-term international circular migration to Germany and Hungary as receiving countries. Circulation is of rising importance in the context of international migration policy on local, regional, national, international and global level. Policy making is constrained by a lack of appropriate data and techniques so data gathering is essential. The literature echoes the temporal character of circulation, but we provide another side of the coin. The study aims to enrich geographic and demographic knowledge of long-term international circulation based on official register data from 2006 to 2015. We explore the volume and intensity of circulation in the context of international immigration of foreigners and test the hypothesis of crisis-resistant circulators. Moreover, we seek to gain further insight into the demographic composition of international circular immigrants by gender, age, family status. We explain the robust single family status dominance over others amongst circulators with the help of multiple selection processes. The contribution seeks to gain insight into the spatial characteristics of foreign circular migrants in the two countries involved and tries to separate spatial circulatory systems based on numerical information. 

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